~An event planning and fundraising nonprofit for families with serious medical conditions~
Thank you to all the businesses and organizations that helped make North Smithfield Days a huge success!


Schedule of Events
*Times and activities subject to change. Keep checking back for additions and updates!*
Wednesday, July 10
8:30 p.m.- Join us for a family friendly movie at Pacheco Park- Karate Kid
Thursday July 11
8:00 a.m. Start your day off with JAC Fitness at Pacheco Park!
2:00 p.m.- Join us at National Marker Company, 100 Providence Pike, for a tour of the only remaining production facility in
North Smithfield. Space is limited. RSVP here.
6:30 p.m.- Kalifornia Karl at Concerts in the Courtyard at St. Antoine's, 400 Mendon Road. Bring a chair and come hang out in the courtyard
listening to some great music. Complimentary entertainment and complimentary refreshments.
8:30 p.m.- Family Movie in Pacheco Park- Toy Story
All Day- Visit the local businesses in town to see their North Smithfield Days special promotions!
Friday, July 12
8:00 a.m. Morning Fitness Series continues with JAC Fitness at Pacheco Park!
6:00 p.m.- Fundraiser Dinner Under The Stars at Green Farm
Ryan Sherlock Catering will prepare the finest locally sourced meal on the farm for a night to celebrate North Smithfield Days (check out the amazing menu here!).
Entertainment will be provided by Mike Dutra.
Decorating by Lovely Occasions.
Tickets can be purchased here.
8 :30 p.m.- Family Movie in Pacheco Park- The Sandlot
All Day- Visit the local businesses in town to see their
North Smithfield Days special promotions!
Saturday July 13- Slatersville Saturday
8:00 a.m. Morning Fitness Series concludes with JAC Fitness at Pacheco Park
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Kid's Day in the Park!
Activities include:
*Fun activities are being added! Keep checking back!*
Free Throw Competition sponsored by NS Hoops. All ages from pre-k through adult welcome to participate!
Wiffle Ball games (check back for details!)
Xpress Youth Football & Cheer will be hosting football target throwing
Pack 7 will show you how to shoot a bullseye in Archery
Harrison Farms & Harrison Brothers Racing will have some great photo ops with their race cars
North Smithfield Fire Department will come by to spray their fire hose and cool you off! (Time- 12:30, Bathing suits and towels recommended!)
12:00 p.m.- Walking Tour of Slatersville- Meet at Scouter's Hall (Pacheco Park), for a chance to learn about the great history of Slatersville! Reserve your spot here .
Walking shoes and water are recommended.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. An Afternoon with Kim Trusty, Media, PA Music Hall of Fame inductee- (location TBA)
3:00 p.m.- Veterans Memorial Flag Football Tournament in honor of
Spc. Matthew Turcotte will be held at the North Smithfield High School turf field
5:00 p.m.- Food trucks at the turf field
8:00 p.m.- Food trucks, music and fun at the Dr. Paul F. Joyce Athletic Fields
Sundown (approx. 9:15 p.m.)- 2nd Annual North Smithfield Fireworks at the
Dr. Paul F. Joyce Athletic Fields